Thursday, November 01, 2007

This is a Hot Topic in today’s U.S. Society. Why? Illegal immigration is ruining us. Why does it create such an issue? We are losing jobs, we are losing people by illegals either killing because of regular killing methods, or drunk driving, and we are losing money from the economy. Taxes not being paid into the American government, they get Our benefits without paying taxes etc... And, Hard working Americans are losing or not getting the jobs they should be working at. Here is the thing folks, I am a Citizen of the United States of America! When I work, I pay my taxes, when I do something Illegal, and I'll add, and get caught, I am no saint, I go to jail, do not pass go, do not get $200. So, despite people wanting to bring race, religion, politics, etc into it, there is one thing most people that support giving Illegals Drivers Licenses or a temporary green card, or whatnot, is that they Are Here ILLEGALLY! Like I said, you are here, I am here, we do something illegal, we go to jail, and they don't, they don't even get deported. My Irish and Polish fore-mothers and fathers came to America, probably through Ellis Island, just like everyone else at the time, who wanted to come to America, Legally. They had to go through hell, to get here, and make their "citizenship". Now, unfortunately, there is a Huge Hispanic, mainly from Mexico, but also a great amount from other Latin American countries, here Illegally. They are working for minimum wage or actually nowadays, they are averaging $10 an hour, and I forgot where I saw it, but it was maybe FOX News? Anyways, I live in a place where I am sure there are some illegal Latinos living here, with their legal cousins or other family members, (one I knew was, but he has left.... the park at least), for the most part, they are peaceful neighbors, even with a big party, they are quieter than any one of us.... lol .... but they are driving $25,000 vehicles, (I know, because I repo them sometimes, not the neighbors, but others around town), yet my white neighbor, who does the same thing as them, general lawn, heating and air, gas piping, and other maintenance jobs, cannot pay his rent on time because of a lack of work. Ok, “Get another job.” Right? Its not that easy, no driver’s license, and is set into that “realm” of jobs because of his age. So, oh yeah, the no license is by you guessed it DUI, and they didn’t hurt anyone, but himself. So, we think he is eligible for his license back now, as it has been at least 10 years, but he is afraid to drive. Why? Because If he Drives, he is doing it ILLEGALLY! And that will stop any chance of him getting it back, Legally. He will go to jail, for however long, have to go to court, etc.
I worked at a fast food sub place, and well, I think 3 out of the 6 people I worked with at night that were Hispanic, were illegal. Why? They joked about 1 of them who got pulled over, charged with drunk driving, and driving without a license, got bail, got out, went back to Mexico, and then came back 3 months later, at another restaurant. Like nothing happened. This brings me to something I actually saw on Bill O’Reilly not long ago. This is the one of the rare times folks you will see me agreeing with Good Ol’ “Independent Republican Bill”. Geraldo Rivera, aka Jerry Rivers in his earlier days, was arguing that an illegal Mexican immigrant, who was drunk’n’driving, in Nebraska, Wyoming, or somewhere around there, he killed himself, and a family of 4.
Think about that for a minute. An Illegal Immigrant, who was drunk driving, killed a legal family of 4. This person should not have been here, and if my memory is good enough, this was Not his 1st DUI type of offense in America, and he was still out there, to commit this atrocity. And the Governor of New York and some other states want these people to get a drivers license, legally, though they are illegally here… Huh????
What has our country come to? The land of the Free, Home of the Brave, Gives us your poor, and we will mold them into our melting pot, and make them successful, as we are America! (But do it legally) … That was our motto, roughly… The American Dream!
The rich, don’t want to let go of their cheap help. It’s that simple. If a group or even an individual can mow your lawn, be a nanny to your kid, or any other personal service, can be done for cheaper, it’s the American way, right? Not really. Mainly Hispanics, but even more people are doing this, they get one person who is legal, usually a family member, and then they go out, do all the work, and share it, versus a real company, boss, and employees. 1 legal and 5 illegals.
Well, before I get too redundant, I going to wrap it up like this:I you or I do something illegal, we get locked up in jail. An illegal is seeing a slap on the wrist, and not deported. It is a Crime!

Ok Ladies and Gents, I have decided to get off my Duff, and get rolling on this blog, after about 2 years now.
Just so you know, I am here, to let off some steam about a little bit of everything. It will be political, it will be dramatic, it will be funny, it will be sad, and it will, well, be any emotion you can think of!
Politics, Religion, Race, Relationships, and anything in between!

So, first things first, I am will use abbreviations for “curse words”, I will have racial slurs “lettered out”, other than that, this is going to be a free for all, for me, as I need to blow of said steam about issues in America, and the World. I may even use either pseudonyms, or no name at on certain people I write about, otherwise, if you are on here, think about my words, and see what I am saying….